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The time you have spent to develop this website is evident! I am proud of you for your work and dedication to Osage City....
Priscilla Hamman
Osage City
NE Kansas
Osage City Explorations
Learn more about Osage City by following the links below:

Lincoln Park

Address: Topeka & Market Streets
Osage City, KS 66523

About this Exploration:

Lincoln Park sits west of the Santa Fe tracks on land platted and meant to be the original town square.   What moved the town to east of the tracks?
Play, swing, slide, and  ride the merry-go-round.  Enjoy a picnic under the newly constructed shelter house.  You can toss horseshoes and shoot hoops, too.
While at the Lincoln Park, know that it's OK to climb on  the tank placed there by the local Heizer American Legion Post.
Reservations:  To ensure the use of the shelterhouse on a specific date, reservations should be made through the city offices, 785.528.3714.

contact info
Cathryn Houghton

Osage City, KS 66523
Phone: 785.249.2153

Osage City, KS 66523
Phone: 785.528.4711
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